Living Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit located in the heart of Southwest Detroit. Working at the intersection of art and learning, we provide a wide-range of arts experiences and arts-integrated education to students as young as 3 months (with caregiver participation) through 18 years. Our programming ranges from early childhood education to K-12 in-school artist residencies to robust afterschool arts classes, and more.
Living Arts centers our students and parents/caregivers in everything we do, and we provide ample opportunities for students to both lead and influence our programs. In addition to a formalized Teen Council, Living Arts also maintains a Parent Council. Parents and students are in the best position to articulate their specific needs and concerns, and our community-centric approach also includes Teaching Artists, staff members, Board members, and community members all of whom bring a wide-range of expertise to the organization.
Scroll for more on our Mission, Vision, and Values.
Living Arts ignites creativity in the lives of Detroit youth through the performing, visual, and media arts.
We envision a future in which all youth have access to engaging, high-quality arts experiences, so that they can lead with confidence and empathy, drawing strength from their cultures and communities.
Directed by youth voice, we honor the self-determination of young people of all ages and commit to the creation of meaningful exchange based on developmentally appropriate practice.
In community with one another, we remain responsive to the visions that families, organizations, funders, and individuals bring to the work. We commit to co-creation with one another as we grow.
Knowing that artists are uniquely positioned to develop young people and push challenging boundaries, we demand inquiry around the role of the arts as it intersects with education and community. We commit to the professional development and advancement of the teaching artist profession.
Working at the intersection of art and learning, Living Arts commits to the following fundamental beliefs:
We believe that true change can only be made at a systemic level. While there are many surface level things that can be adjusted or reformed, true change can only begin when we rethink the way we approach everyday situations.
To us, a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion means that we focus on making decisions that center what is best for the least protected member of our community. Equity can be found at the heart of our decision-making processes, as well as our actions, not only in day-to-day tasks, but in our long-term strategic plans.
We are committed to always asking ourselves, “Does this serve the Living Arts community? Does this serve the youth of Detroit as a whole?” If the answer to those questions is anything other than yes, we refocus and check back in with the community so we can discover, together, the best way forward.
While systemic change can be a slow process, it is deliberate. It is also ever-evolving and adaptive to the needs of the people we serve. While we work hard to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout our organization, we know that our work will never be done. Progress and growth must be continuous in order to effect change. This is a reality that we not only accept, but celebrate.