Living Arts’ Detroit Wolf Trap program, including Baby Artsplay!™,
This offers artist residencies and workshops in school and community settings for children 3 months to six years, and trains their caregivers and educators in creative techniques that promote their development that they can use after the residencies
Living Arts Detroit Wolf Trap programs are proven to increase children's emergent literacy, math and science skills, social-emotional development, and approaches to learning.
Living Arts’ Detroit Wolf Trap teaching artist team includes Spanish-bilingual artists & artists experienced in teaching English language-learning youth and youth with disabilities.
Through Living Arts Detroit Wolf Trap, our teaching artists educate young children using performing arts strategies for early learners and train adult participants (teachers, childcare providers or parents) to use these strategies to help children learn. In addition to multi-session residencies for children embedded with teacher or parent training, we also offer stand-alone professional development for early childhood professionals in varying formats as well as family workshops.