Big Team Meeting 2019
Just some of the amazing people that are part of the Living Arts big team!
Every year we gather in community with teaching artists, trustees, staff and students to appreciate and recognize ourselves as the "big team" that is Living Arts. We do this for three main reasons:
To show appreciation, love, and support for each other in our different roles in the work,
To hear updates on how the work is ever-evolving and where it's headed next , and
To fortify our connections and remember our purpose together as we head into the school year.
This year's gathering brought 40 "Living Arts people" together on Wednesday September 25 at PizzaPlex in Southwest Detroit. Together we moved creatively, sang in full choral splendor, and ate delicious pizza! We opened with an invocation led by artist Torri Lynn Ashford on the patio, emphasizing the space of creation between one another, and our relationship to the space around us.
On top of all that fun, we also heard updates from staff, artists, and youth, giving us a chance to reflect and appreciate all the work we do together in K-12 schools, Head Start centers, home-based care centers, community centers, and all throughout Detroit. We reviewed major organizational goals, shared our newly written values, and took some time to think about the incredible abundance and fortune in our work together.
Though we were unable to gather the full big team, we are always enlivened by the chance to regroup before another year of incredible, transformative experiences through the arts!
The Living Arts “Choir”