Get to Know Before You Go: REVOK

Visual artist Jason “REVOK” Williams is turning his agreement with clothing retailer H&M into a $50,000 twentieth anniversary present for Living Arts. Williams’ gift will be used to launch a $100,000 fundraising initiative and set plans in motion to expand services and reach more than 30,000 Detroit-area children and teens by 2030.

Williams explained the motivation behind his gift saying, "As more and more arts programs are pulled from public schools, the ongoing support of groups like Living Arts becomes even more crucial. Living Arts' program is well-established over 20 years of experience, and brings thoughtful arts education to people of all ages and backgrounds."

Living Arts’ Executive Director, Alissa Novoselick, said, “REVOK has turned his tenacity in standing up for artists’ rights into a gift that will serve Detroit youth through the arts for the next decade. His generosity will be transformational for our organization and allow us to continue to gain ground towards our vision for a Detroit in which all young people have access to high-quality arts education.”
Living Arts will celebrate the milestone anniversary and launch the 20th Anniversary Fund at An Evening for Living Arts: Celebrating 20 Years on April 11th at the Detroit Masonic Temple. REVOK will be the Honored Guest for the evening. Novoselick continued, “There’s going to be a whole crowd of people waiting to thank REVOK our event. His commitment and partnership are going to be a great jumpstart for Living Arts and the youth we serve.”

For tickets to An Evening for Living Arts: Celebrating 20 Years, click here.


Art, Philanthropy, and Legacy: Talking with Ronald Cresswell (Cresswell Family Foundation)


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