Here's Why You Should Come to Open Arts Fest!
This is us at Open Arts Fest 2018!
Hi! I’m Diamond and I’ve been with Living Arts as a dancer, photographer, and artist for over five years.
And I’m Bailee and I have been dancing at Living Arts for four years. I was originally introduced to Living Arts when me and my mom stumbled upon it, and I have been coming ever since. During my time here I have taken all types of classes like ballet, tap, point, jazz, hip hop, salsa, and Afro-Latin.
We’re two of the teens planning Open Arts Fest. We’d like to share some info with you about Open Arts Fest and invite you to join us in this all-teen art party!
Open Arts Fest is an event thrown by the teens in the SPOT, Living Arts’ teen open studio. We first started working on the event last year. Originallym we didn’t know what it was going to be or how it was going to come out but we knew we wanted to spread the name of Living Arts and also have something fun for the community every year. So we came up with Open Arts Fest. The program is not just to bring in more teens, but to have a fun interactive event for not only the Southwest Community but whoever else would like to come.
Last year the event was filled with hula hoop contest, dance competitions, performances, open mics, screen printing, and more! There were so many different things for everyone to do.
This year, we are inviting teens to come to the event, either to stop by and hang out or to sign up to perform. You can submit a proposal to perform here. We’re working to make it bigger and better to top last year!
We have already started posting flyers for the event and even gathered some teens to perform. There will be a DJ with some really cool beats and music! We will also have fun activities to participate in and prizes to win. We’re very excited about the printmaking because of all the different designs.
We’re excited about the food trucks because we know they will be just as good as last year! The performances will be great and we’re also participating in them. Stop by 3-6pm on August 10th at the FREC (2826 Bagley).
Hope to see you there!
Diamond & Bailee