The Role YOU Play in Our Work
Photo by: J. Lindsey Photography
This is the time of year when you likely find your inbox and mailbox are fuller than usual with requests for support from worthy organizations like Living Arts.
There’s good reason for it. While big grants from foundations and corporations get a lot of attention in the press, modest donations from regular folks still account for three-quarters of the funds donated across the country. On average, American households donate about $2,500 each year—totalling more than $4 billion—to improve their communities and support people in need.
Living Arts has been successful on both of these fronts. Major foundation and corporate grants and thousands of gifts from individual donors have played a big role in helping us bring transformative arts experiences to 50,000 youth over the past 20 years.
Every gift makes a difference. You’ve probably heard it many times—because it’s true!
While most of us would love to win the lottery and make a newsworthy contribution to our favorite charity, there are many other ways you can support an organization like Living Arts in addition to a year-end or monthly contribution:
Social media is the most cost-effective way for Living Arts to spread the word about our work and the impact we are having for Detroit youth. It costs nothing to “Like,” comment on and share our posts, but it’s a big help in getting our message out!
Let us know if your employer will match your contribution—it’s the easiest way to double (or sometimes even triple!) your gift.
Consider making a contribution in honor of a friend who is passionate about a cause in lieu of a holiday or birthday gift—and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Play matchmaker and introduce Living Arts to others who might have a heartfelt connection to our mission.
Explore how you can volunteer. At Living Arts, we have dozens of community members who serve on our board and committees to share their insights, feedback, and professional expertise. We couldn’t do it without them!
At Living Arts, we’re grateful for every gift—and all the ways our community members support our work by sharing their time and their personal and professional networks to advance our mission.
Thanks for supporting our work to bring inspiration and learning through the arts to more Detroit youth!