20th Anniversary Fund Update!
Across Metro Detroit, our Teaching Artists helped preschoolers get the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten and brought older students inspiring movement, songwriting, and animation experiences that gave them new ways to connect with their creativity and understand academic subjects like math and language arts.
The Role YOU Play in Our Work
This is the time of year when you likely find your inbox and mailbox are fuller than usual with requests for support from worthy organizations like Living Arts.
There’s good reason for it. While big grants from foundations and corporations get a lot of attention in the press, modest donations from regular folks still account for three-quarters of the funds donated across the country. On average, American households donate about $2,500 each year—totalling more than $4 billion—to improve their communities and support people in need.
Welcome Lex!
We are so excited to formally welcome Lex Draper to the Living Arts team! Lex will be working closely with Director of Development Tara Tuomaala and the event committee planning the next iteration of our annual event (Save the Date for April 23, 2020).