20th Anniversary, Development, Living Arts Story Tara Tuomaala, Director of Development 20th Anniversary, Development, Living Arts Story Tara Tuomaala, Director of Development

20th Anniversary Fund Update!

Across Metro Detroit, our Teaching Artists helped preschoolers get the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten and brought older students inspiring movement, songwriting, and animation experiences that gave them new ways to connect with their creativity and understand academic subjects like math and language arts.

Your gifts to the 20th Anniversary Fund helped make 2019 a memorable milestone year for Living Arts! 

Across Metro Detroit, our Teaching Artists helped preschoolers get the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten and brought older students inspiring movement, songwriting, and animation experiences that gave them new ways to connect with their creativity and understand academic subjects like math and language arts.

Our 2019 after-school program grads have already completed their first semester of college—and other alumni launched dance careers in Montreal and New York City and are pursuing professional and artistic paths across the country!

Achievements like these attracted the attention and support of 115 generous donors and helped Living Arts raise more than $90,000 for the 20th Anniversary Fund—an accomplishment that was a momentous capstone to a remarkable year!

We are indebted to Jason REVOK Williams, whose generosity launched the Fund. We also owe a special thanks to The Peck Foundation for their wonderful investment—and to Gail Mondry, who led the Living Arts Initiative and brought together individuals from around the metro area who believe in Detroit’s youth.

What does this mean for 2020?

With your help, Living Arts is entering the new year—and a new decade!—with plans to do even more for Detroit area youth. Our board and staff leadership are exploring new ways to grow our after-school program and make room for the more than 100 youth currently on our waitlist—and we’re planning exciting partnerships that will help our Teaching Artists have an even greater impact. All of this will be guided by a new strategic plan that will launch later this spring (and you'll be among the first to hear about the details)! Thank you for your generosity and believing in the transformative power of art!

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20th Anniversary Tara Tuomaala, Director of Development 20th Anniversary Tara Tuomaala, Director of Development

20th Anniversary Fund Update!

In the years ahead, Living Arts will accelerate and grow our impact by reaching 30,000 children and teens by 2030—with intensive, multi-session experiences in the arts that are delivered by skilled and experienced Teaching Artists.

In the years ahead, Living Arts will accelerate and grow our impact by reaching 30,000 children and teens by 2030—with intensive, multi-session experiences in the arts that are delivered by skilled and experienced Teaching Artists.

The $100,000 20th Anniversary Fund will position Living Arts to build on our achievements and preparation, as well as respond to new opportunities in ways that continue to move our mission forward.

A recent and very generous grant from The Peck Foundation has helped us secure a total of more than $70,000 towards our $100,000 goal by December 31st.

To donate to the Fund, click here.

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